Ricco Deruta - Acanthus leaves, scrolls and flowers taking inspiration from the genius of the artist Perugino, who worked and lived in the city of Perugia. An example of his work is the "Cambio" (exchange office) in Perugia. Historical pattern from Deruta (First half of the 16th century). More popular with the "Star" center version.

Raffallesco - The dragons take inspiration from the Nero home in Rome where artists in the Renaissance went to study the classical themes of the Roman age. Interpretation of the grotesques of Vatican's rooms painted by the artist Raffaello. Historical pattern from Deruta (Second half of the 16th century).
Each workshop in Deruta offers a different styling and interpretation of the Classic Deruta patterns. Look for the original designs. These patterns are by Cama based on the original Cama tracing papers.
Antico Deruta - Created by Cama upon the original tracing papers of Ricco Deruta. On a silver background that soothens the strength of the cobalt blue color. Cama original pattern. Source of inspiration of all similar patterns in the market.

Orvieto Green Rooster - Pattern dedicated to the city of Orvieto where the original Middle Age pattern pieces where found in archeological sites. The rooster was added later on by the artists of Deruta.
Siena - Reproduction of the floor of the Cathedral of Siena. The sitting deer is a symbol of knowledge and elegance. It takes inspiration from the Biblical psalm starting "Sicut Cervus ad Fontes Aquarum" (tr. The same way the deer goes to the water fount"). Black and brown are the colors of the city of Siena.

Arabesco - Mediterranean pattern of Iberian origins. You may find it in Portugal in a very interesting interpretation. This pattern goes back to the 17th century.
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