In Deruta the recent fight against "fakes" of Deruta handmade ceramics has caused enormous troubles in the town of Deruta and within its community. The town Hall and the Consortium of Ceramicists called "Deruta 1282" were convinced that the problem of the market of handmade ceramics being stuck was due to counterfeits=Deruta patterns reproduced by the use of decals, plastic printed films over the glazing, considered as fakes. A variation of the low quality products painted in China and in Romania. Therefore in 2008 they started a campaign against counterfeits. Before going to China or to Romania, they started by attacking local producers: a couple of decal ceramics factories are located in the city of Deruta and another one was located in the neighborhood of Assisi.
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The presentation photo of decal Deruta dinnerware sets in the "Sur la Table" online store, called Deruta-style. Photo credit: Sur La Table |
One of the companies in Deruta that produces decal tableware is the official supplier of the U.S. company "Sur la Table", chain stores first established in Seattle, Pike Place Market in 1972. Sur la Table on their online store advertise their decal product from Deruta as "Deruta-style collection". Worth of notice is that small parts of the products are handpainted, such as the rims on the plates or the top of the salt and pepper shakers.
These decal ceramics can be designated as "decorated by hand", where the word "decorated" as a literal translation of "decorato" means that a person lays down a piece of printed film on the surface of the plate with the use of their hands. The verb "decorare" in Italian also means "painting by hand"; "decoratrice" (for a woman) "decoratore" (for a man) is the name for the ceramics artists on their official paperworks.
Decal has been in use in Deruta for many years, companies such as "Ars Artigiana" have experimented this technique several years ago as well as "Santucci ceramics" which supplied the Perugina chocolate company with ceramics items to go with their candy products.
Probably the point was that it is not legitimate to reproduce traditional handpainted patterns by the use of decals and by using the name of the town of Deruta. The question is: how can you fulfill the demand of chain stores and their customers who wish to have the flavor of handpainted traditional ceramics on their table at a reasonable price?
- Original Posts by Roberta Niccacci -
5 commenti:
In America, by law you must be correct in your writing of advertisement, in using the term "Deruta Style" they are saying it is not Deruta Handpainted. Thusly, collectors will know it is not art created by an artesian, but something else. For those who cannot afford the work of art, but want the beauty of art in their home this is a common way to purchase, just as you would purchase a print of a Van Gogh or Picasso. It gives credit to the source of the art; traditional Deruta, while noting it is only in its style, it is not a genuine.
Thank you, dear reader, for your comment and feedback. This is the first comment we receive in this blog!
Ciao Roberta,
ti rispondo in italiano che mi riesce meglio...
Quello che è successo a Deruta è stato enormemente spiacevole e unico nella storia di una cittadina!!..Scelte sbagliatissime mosse dalla sete di potere e dall'invidia!!!
Premesso ciò ti faccio partecipe con orgoglio che la nostra azienda sta risquotendo, ormai da anni, un grande successo nel mercato estero e in particolar modo in quello Americano..per la perfezione della nostra merce, per la serietà e puntualità che da sempre ci contraddistinguono.
(es.oltre ad essere presenti ormai da anni in cataloghi e vetrine di negozi che oggi fanno molta "tendenza"... un nostro broccone è stato protagonista di una simpatica pubblicità televisiva in tutta America di un grande department store..vd. su you tube: Homegoods commercial 2011 e troverai un ns. broccone a due manici con un decoro rosso).
Pertanto mentre Deruta (qualora fosse conosciuta) viene ricordata solo per i prezzi alti ed assurdi (e fuori dalle logiche del mercato di oggi)e per le "fregature" date in nostra azienda invece sta facendo una buonissima pubblicità al ns. paese!
Per placare le polemiche voglio precisare che noi non abbiamo mai scritto dipinto a mano sotto i nostri articoli (anche se ogni articolo è comunque rifinito e dipinto a mano) e tutti coloro che acquistano da noi sanno perfettamente cosa stanno piu' la tecnica della decalcomania -come hai scritto tu- è tanto antica (ha fatto il prestigio di molti brand vd. Richard Ginori etc, quanto moderna e avanzata in un periodo di così forte crisi globale!!)
Po credo che ognuno sia libero di interpretare l'arte a modo suo...NOI ABBIAMO TROVATO IL NOSTRO!!!
Ciao a presto
Ti ringrazio del tuo commento, che mi fa pensare all'affresco della casa di Giorgio Vasari ad Arezzo, in cui la virtù prende per i capelli la fortuna e scaccia con un calcio l'invidia. Molto rinascimentale!
Publishing the feedback of a Cama customer about the topic of knock-offs, including poor quality Deruta ceramics and Deruta-style ceramics: "[...] It cheapens the value of the real thing. Why should I pay for the art, if I can buy something cheaper that looks just like it. No sense in paying for the good stuff." August, 15th, 2013
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