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venerdì 17 giugno 2011

How to Cope With Slow Times at Work

An article I wrote for eHow,  the famous social network in the United States. 

By bertabella, ex- eHow Member

I am a sales assistant for my family's operations and the slowest months in their business go from November to March. There is a lot of time for me to get bored or look for another job! With the economy slowdown things are apparently worse, therefore I think the secret is not to panic and on the contrary find creative solutions.

Things You'll Need:

  • patience
  • creativity
  • hope
  • interaction
What shall I do? Sometimes in certain kinds of business, you do not feel much the boredom because you are used to slow weeks and months. Especially in activities involving tourism, you work with customers only part of the calendar year. During show times you usually look for complementary activities to your job. This idea can be of help during slowdown! 

Find people tuned with you. The important attitude is to believe in what you do. During regular slow times it is important not to leave work or look for another job opportunity. On the contrary it is necessary to look for people stimulating your creativity and working with you on new projects.

Improve yourself if you want to help! Think that customers who like beautiful things have not disappeared. They are just scared or being careful with their money. Be patient. Do the same in your business. Do not invest on something that is not necessary. Invest on yourself only!

Do what your customers do! Try several attempts. Do not give up. Keep your budget as low as possible and work on ideas. Training is very important. Additionally, if you want to improve sales on a specific kind of merchandise, such as dinnerware, tableclothes and accessories, act at home as if you were your potential customer. As an example dress you table nicely and invite friends over to your home.

Shop for valuable things. Do not waste you money! Awareness is very important. Even during times of recession shopping is part of our life. Indeed it is a social event. A choral participation to life. Therefore encouraging the purchase of valuable pieces is a must. This would be a great help for everybody and prevent us from buying inexpensive things we do not need just because we are attracted by the lowest price.

Tips & Warnings

  • do not panic
  • be creative
  • find complementary activities to your business
  • be positive


on 1/6/2009 Excellent article. I too am in the service business and need to keep a positive attitude until times improve!

On 1/6/2009 Good tips - thanks for sharing.

On 1/6/2009 Indeed. Good article, and you're right, people are shopping! The trick is to get in on selling what they all can't live without~ 5* and congrats on your new writing status!


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This is an article I wrote for a couple of years ago. I had subscribed early 2009 while surfing the net in search of solutions for my family's ceramics business. I really enjoyed writing articles for eHow and I had an audience! I loved their ready made format for writing articles. It was cool! 
What happened with eHow is that they communicated to me that my writing was poor and they started erasing my beautiful articles. My writing was not up to the American standards. I got very sad about what happened and I quit eHow. If I were to analyse the problem now, I would not quit eHow, on the contrary I would ask them to offer an editing service to their members. They would have made money at least with me! I miss writing for them. 
Everybody can be creative. 

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