A StartUp that's thinking outside the BOX
I am from Italy and currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area. I gave myself ten weeks total to get my startup going. My insight will take you first through my startup story by weeks up to date. That will be helping me a lot to look back to the steps done so far. Then we will head forward to the 10th and last week. Afterwards we will comment together along with the products' launch in the market. We will celebrate online and by throwing a party with the Friends of CAMA, the best clientele in the world. What is my startup about? Personal shopping services for American travelers in Italy. Welcome the ultimate startup story. Welcome the Friends of CAMA!
The First Week I settled down
No records of what I did the first week
The first week I arrived I was hoping to meet a friend of Cama who was in the city. However because of him getting busy with his clients, we did not meet. Whatever we do, we receive back. No matter what. Indeed it was originally my mistake from the time back in Italy. I didn't join this friend of Cama in Italy upon his invitation. And I missed a great opportunity of wishing him and his fiancée my best wishes. They were getting married in Italy by surprising their guests who were traveling with them. I will never forgive me for not going to the appointment that day!
The Second Week was a Surprise
I received the visit of a Cama customer who drove all the way from Arizona
We had been friends for many years but I had never known exactly that my business develpment assistant was about to show up at my house. She was driving from Arizona just to see me. That was incredible. Well, she stayed with me for a week. In that week we wrote down the Friends of Cama startup outlines.
The Third Week was just great!
I started writing down everything I did every day
While waiting for my outlines to be edited, I was feeling I was in the right place and in the right moment. Just a great feeling. I started writing down a to do's list. Receiving feedbacks from my Friends of Cama. Joined an association of entrepreneurs and networkers. Chinese New Year was starting the right way. A couple of horses were sitting on my fireplace. Looking at each other
The Fourth Week I started meeting new friends
Everybody would give me ideas
I was feeling so fortunate to have so many talented people around me. Everything spoke to me. From Italy my coach was also sending me excellent feedback about my page on facebook. For the first time in the five years of preparation we had spent together he said to me: ok, here we go. I started gathering all the information from the past that could be of help, I didn't want to waste any of the work done so far. I was about to get my revolution going. It was a revolution with love. I had wanted to make a change in the way of doing business for many years. From the beginning of my journey back in Italy.
The Fifth Week my brother joined the crew
I was so happy to have my brother back with me!
My brother Andrea has always been my best fan. He is younger and has always believed in my potentialities. He is the one who wanted me to be his beachhead for our family's company in the United States. However at that time we were not strong enough. As a ceramics workshop we depended on retail stores. In order to make a change it is necessary to be free. My quest for freedom was taking action. I was making my brother's vision come true.
The Sixth Week I went out scouting
My original scope of visiting the United States was looking for eligible partners
As a lean startup I wanted to be able to piggyback companies that were already established. So I went out scouting. together with my business development assistant skyping from Arizona. With the awareness of my success to come, I approached business discussions for the first time. But strangers who were not Friends of Cama were drawing me back. I cold not allow other people to do that.Nor take energies away from me. I started figuring out how to get the whip hand.
The Seventh Week I kept
digging in
I had been productive on the facebook page and on my blog without interruption
I had spent most of my early hours by networking through facebook, twitter and by writing my blog posts. Working on the shopping services and shopping products. writing notes. I kept thinking I wanted to make my dream come true about my new way of doing business in unsetting economic times. This was my mission as a teacher, a caregiver and a shop keeper. This would have been my upgrade to my professional skills. Most of my skills are intangible. That's why I want so much to purveyor products again. I want to give life to my skills so that I feel part of this society again. I am gonna make it!
The 8th Week has just started and everything is heading us towards success
Join me on facebook and enjoy the most beautiful experience in my life!
Thank you for appreciating my startup story and for following me. I really wish to celebrate success and help other people reach their goals as creative startuppers. Because it is never too late and there are no limits to our dreams. It all starts with a wish. That's what I started with: lots of wishes!
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